
Hand_HeldThe Boulder International Film Festival http://www.biff1.com/ will take place from February 17-20, 2011. There are 39 different programs, with films covering everything from the role of income disparity in the recent US financial crisis http://theflawmovie.com/ to the dark side of nuclear energy http://www.intoeternitythemovie.com/

Of particular interest to your audience, however, might be the film Hand Held. You can see a preview here: http://handheldthemovie.com/

I’m also attaching a flyer developed specifically for Hand Held. This will be shown on Saturday, Feb. 19 at 7:15pm, at the First United Methodist Church in Boulder, at 1421 Spruce Street.

The director, Don Hahn, and the founder of the Romanian Children’s Relief Fund, Mike Carroll, will be at the viewing and available after the movie during the Call 2 Action, a post-film discussion.

Tickets are $12 adults, $10 students/seniors, and there’s also special pricing for groups which include admission to special events.