
elevator_01Winner of Audience Award and Best First Film Award at SEE FEST 2009, Romanian film ELEVATOR, directed by George Dorobantu and based on a play by Gabriel Pintilei is being released in the U.S. this month, on July 26. We at SEE FEST have been working on getting distribution for films shown at our festival and thanks to Vanguard Cinema, you now have an opportunity to see a cinematic gem like ELEVATOR. Please go to ELEVATOR page on Vanguard Cinema’s web site to rent, or buy this film. Strong sales will translate into more movies being considered for U.S. distribution! Tell your friends, colleagues, neighbors, and anyone who likes foreign movies. This one’s a treat! And please send us your comments: info@seefilmla.org.

A boy and a girl, high school teenagers, want to get away from the world and be alone for an afternoon, so they hide in an abandoned factory on the outskirts of town. While there, they fall in a trap of their own intention, and get stuck in a cargo elevator. There is no one around to hear them, and nobody knows where they are. Tension arises after each failed attempt to escape, as they must deal with the fact that their entire universe is now reduced to a metal box smaller than a room.

“Tense, funny, moving… Brilliantly edited. Dorobantu is a natural story teller with an impressive command of the medium.” —Screen Daily

“With a thunderous BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The arrival of George Dorobantu has been announced.” —L.A. Examiner

“A true and wondrous miracle of modern filmmaking.” —Brian Kirst, Horror Society

“Captures the whole Claustrophobic experience” —DVD Times

“The high quality of Elevator provides hope for the future” —The Guardian