
Picture_004The “She Demon” (“Demonita”) by Romanian young poet Cristian Bodnărescu, a 109 stanzas long poem sets the world record for the Longest Love Poem. The old record is “Evening Star” by Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889), the Romanian national poet, which was recognized last year by World Guinness Records Academy.
The poem can be simply described as a combination between “Gone with the Wind” (it is a romantic drama), “Star Trek” (it contains science fiction entertainment) and “Love Story” – all together, which means it is a romantic poem but also a third millennium modern poem. “She Demon” is an original art work, a deep penetration into the world of demonic spirits, an attempt of finding the truth.
“The poem “She Demon” represents more than a record, a very own vision of Romanticism in the light of the 19th century classicism. The foray into the infoenergetics brings to the surface the fight between good and evil, the union of the contrasts Yan/Ying. She Demon didn’t fell out of the sky, it came to me after 16 years of writing”, Cristian Bodnărescu, 27, says about this masterpiece of poetry.

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