Cloaked in Fur Cover

Cloaked in Fur CoverAm rugat-o pe autoare sa-mi acorde un interviu cu prilejul lansarii primei carti. Buna ziuaTania! How are You?

Great to be with you today, Ben. Thank you.


Dear T.F. Walsh, from where did you get the idea for your book?

I grew up listening to bedtime Romanian stories that could only be compared to the Brothers Grimm tales, and ever since then folklore and mythology has fascinated me. These influences have trickled into my stories, and in particular Cloaked in Fur, which is based in Transylvania—a place seeping with legends. Now, when it comes to love, I’m a sucker for stories about two people from different worlds falling madly in love and fighting against the odds to stay together. This is the story I wanted to tell in Cloaked in Fur, showing how far someone was willing to go to hold onto true love.


How long did it take you to write Cloaked in Fur, and, why a wolf and not a dingo?

It took me a good year to write the novel and then a bit longer to edit it. When it comes to wolves, I have always been fascinated by their majestic nature, plus from the beginning I wanted to story set in Romania, and unfortunately there are no dingoes thereJ


Have you ever meet a real wolf?

Only in a zoo, not in real life, though I would love to do so one day.


Is it your first book?

Yes, this is my debut novel, however I do have a number of shorter stories published online, including a short story titled, ‘Carne şi tranchilizante’ translated into Romanian and published on the Gazette SF online. Here is the link to the story:


Who published your book?

Crimson Romance published my book Cloaked in Fur.


The book’s cover is very suggestive, who designed it?

My publisher, Crimson Romance, did a wonderful job in designing the cover.


Who did you write Cloaked in Fur for?

This was a book I’ve wanted to write for a long time, so firstly I wrote it for meJ


What is the subject of your book, and does it have a purpose?

Cloaked in Fur is about how far someone is willing to go for true love. At it’s core, it is a love story, and it shows the struggles of the main character, Daciana, challenging everything in knows in life for a chance to be happy in love.


Do you have a favourite author who inspired your work?

I attribute my inspiration to many authors, but my all time favourite author is Richard Laymon – a horror writer. I have always loved horror, so it is no surprise Cloaked in Fur has a darker tone.


Did you face any issues while writing the book? If so, how did you overcome them?

No issues with writing the book, just finding the time to write as often as I could.


Do you have anyone you bounce ideas of when you write, or rely soley on your muse?

My muse guides me majority of the time, but when I do get stuck my hubby is a great sounding board, plus I have a great group of critique writing friends who are always there to help.


If I asked you to autograph a book for me, what would you write for me?

For Ben, with howling best wishes.


Are you thinking about the next book?

Right now, I’m plotting book 2 of Cloaked in Fur. I’m also half way through a new young adult fantasy novel, which is made up of three parts about six characters. It is set in a world filled with witches, steampunk monsters and magic, and at the heart of the story, there’s the struggle to find love.


What do you give more attention to: Love, Parents, Faith?

Parents and love are the same to me, so they both come first.


Thank You dear Tania and Good Luck!


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