

 Chen Kasher a absolvit Univesitatea din Chicago cu specializare in drept, si isi devota cariera de avocat reprezentand clienti implicati in diferite accidente. Avantajul serviciilor oferite de el  consta in faptul ca urmeaza sa fie recompensat pentru munca sa doar daca clientul castiga cazul. Secretul unui avocat specializat in accidente personale consta in faptul ca este agresiv in investigatiile sale, participand efectiv la intervievarea martorilor si documentelor, pentru a putea trage concluziile cele mai bune si a le prezenta judecatorului la tribunal. Pentru a afla mai multe detalii domnul Kasher a avut amabilitatea de a raspunde catorva intrebari:


De ce ati ales acest domeniul pentru a practica dreptul?
Imi place sa reprezint persone individuale. Este mult mai satisfacator sa reprezinti pe David decat pe Goliat.

Care sunt accidentele pentru care cineva poate fi compensat ?
Poti fi compensate pentru aproape orice fel de vatamari sau accidente, inclusiv pierderi legate de pierderea reputatiei si demnitatii personale. Intrebarea care se pune este intotdeauna: care sunt pagubele suferite?! In acest domeniu legislativ totul depinde de cum reusesti sa convingi un judecator sau un grup de jurati, sau o companie de asigurari ca meriti sa fi compensat pentru accidentul sau paguba provocata.

Cand ar trebui cineva sa isi angajeze un avocat cu experienta dumneavoastra in domeniu?
Consultatia este intotdeauna gratuita, asa ca clientii sunt bineveniti sa mi se adreseze cu problemele lor. Eu post sa le ofer sfaturi juridice de la bun inceput despre cum sa isi construiasca cazul pentru a putea avea sansa de castig.

Care sunt procedurile pentru inceperea unui proces?
Un proces este inceput atunci cand se face o plangere scrisa care se inregistreaza la tribunal, si in care sunt detaliate faptele intamplate si motivul pentru care ar trebui sa primesti o despagubire. Avocatul angajeaza apoi un om al legii cum ar fi sheriff –ul care duce acea plangere si-o inmaneaza parti acuzate, demarand astfel inceperea procesului.

Un process costa timp si bani, cat timp va trebui sa pierda un client pe la tribunal?
Avocatul face cam toata treaba in special partea mai dificila. Este doar un mit ca acuzatorul va trebui sa munceasca prea mult sau sa isi piarda vremea. Intr-un proces care sa zicem ca ar dura 2-3 ani, cel mult ce trebuie sa faca un client este sa se prezinte la o sigura infatisare unde sa depuna marturie. Deci cam 3 pana la 8 ore in total, chiar si in cazurile cele mai dificile.

Care sunt costurile pe care le implica pentru client un caz anume?
Nu il costa nimic. Noi doar vom incasa un procent din suma care se incaseaza la sfarsitul procesului, daca castigam. Daca pierdem nu il costa nimic. Partea dificila este ca in unele cazuri mai complicate este greu sa gasesti un avocat bun care sa te reprezinte in acest mod.

Ce alte informatii utile pentru cititori ati mai avea?
Practicarea dreptului in cazuri de accidente nu este un domeniu unde poti sa te reprezinti singur. Companiile de asigurari si corporatiile care se apara isi vor angaja avocati profesionisti foarte buni care sa ii reprezinte. Un proces poate fi foarte costisitor pentru o companie si nu vor dori sa plateasca, asa ca pentru a-ti creste sansele de reusita ar fi bine sa ai un avocat de partea ta imediat dupa accident. Cu atat mai mult cu cat nu te costa nimic o consultatie, asa ca merita sa dai un telefon. In plus daca eu nu voi putea sa iti fiu de folos cu siguranta ca iti voi putea recomanda un avocat de care ai avea nevoie.

Chen Kasher, Attorney at Law
1642 E. 56th Street, Unit 714


Chen Kasher explaining why someone needs a personal injury lawyer

Attorney Chen Kasher graduated from the University of Chicago Law School a few years ago and has devoted his practice to representing plaintiffs with personal injury litigation on a contingency basis, which means he only gets paid if you win. He worked for a medium-sized firm that concentrated on representing asbestos victims and another firm that did general personal injury law. He prides himself as being an aggressive, intellectual attorney who handles each file with thought and care. He visits the scenes of accidents, interviews witnesses, investigates paperwork, develops theories of liability, and takes any case up to trial.

Why did you chose this particular field of the law?

I like representing individuals. It is more rewarding to represent David than Goliath.

What are the injuries that people can be compensated for?

You can be compensated for virtually any imaginable injury – even dignitary harms such as your reputation. The question is always: what are your damages? Injury law is always about convincing someone like a judge, a jury, or an insurance company that you deserve to be compensated for your harm.

Why or when would someone need to hire a lawyer with your expertise?

Consultations are always free, and I am always happy to hear from people. I can advise you from the very start about how to frame your case in the best possible light.

What are the procedures of starting a lawsuit? What should one do?

A lawsuit is started by filing a document called a complaint, which outlines the facts of a case and why compensation is deserved. Lawyers then hire a sheriff or a process server to serve the opposing party with the complaint and get the ball rolling.

A lawsuit it is a time consuming process. How much time someone (the client) will have to invest by going to courts and proceedings? Will the lawyer do the work for them?

Lawyers do all of the heavy lifting. It is a myth that plaintiffs have to do much work – in a lawsuit that may drag on for 2-3 years, the most expected from them could be a single deposition and possibly a trial appearance. I’d say no more than 3-8 hours total, even in the toughest case.

What are the costs involved to have a personal injury lawyer?

None. We work on contingency, which means we take a percentage of the winnings. If we lose, you owe us nothing. The catch is that in difficult cases, it can be tough to find a good lawyer to represent you.

Tell us any other relevant information that you think people should know ?!

Injury law is not something that you can do yourself. Insurance companies and corporate defendants have “professionalized” this business by hiring tough lawyers to fight injury claims. Claims can get very expensive, and defendants do not want to pay. Your best bet is to have an injury lawyer on your side from the date of your injury. Like I said, consultations are free, so there is no harm in calling. If I cannot help you, I almost certainly know a good lawyer who can.

Chen Kasher, Attorney at Law
1642 E. 56th Street, Unit 714
