
Astazi 15, Iulie, 2010 autoritatile federale au facut oficial numarul final si numele celor pusi sub acuzare in cazul fraudelor legate de aplicatii ilegale pentru returnarea de taxe si ajutoare federale.
Numarul total al celor acuzati este de 24 de persoane.
O parte din ei au fost arestati marti. Printre acestia sunt: fratele lui Ovidiu Isac, Daniel Isac, 25 de ani, din Mount Prospect; Vasile George Husti, de 19 ani, din Chicago; John Pop, de 25 de ani, din Bellevue, Washington.; Marius Timofti, de 26 de ani,din Chicago; Cristian Talos, 31, si sotia lui Virginia Talos, 27, din Bothel Washington., respectiv Chicago. Acestia se pare ca au fost eliberati pe cautiune dar ancheta continua.
Ceilalti pusi sub acuzare sunt: Louis Lupancu, 22 de ani, din Chicago; Daniel Garbacz, 21 de ani, din Burbank; Miklos Ilyes, 47 de ani, din Chicago; Tomasz Mulica, 23 de ani, din Burbank; Costel Niculcea, 25, din Burbank; Stefan Valentin Niculcea, 28 de ani, din Burbank; Andrei Stanciu, 26, din Chicago; Ilie Stramturean, 26 de ani, din Chicago; Eugen Marius Szasz, 31de ani din Chicago; Marius Vainoras, 20 de ani, din Chicago Ridge; James McKibbin, 20 de ani, din Chicago; Bogdan Branisteanu, 28 de ani,din Chicago; Valeriu Soare, 27 de ani, din Skokie; Anca Andronache, 25 de ani, din Schiller Park; Maribel Juarez, 24 de ani, din Chicago; Simona Laba, 23 de ani, din Chicago; si Anuta Mihai, 26 de ani, din Arlington Heights.
Capetele de acuzare aduse pe numele lor sunt pedepsite cu inchisoare intre 5 si 10ani si pana la 250,000 de dolari amenda. In plus pentru furt din fonduri federale ale guvernului american acestia sunt obligati sa restituie sumele furate.


Un numar de 11 persoane, majoritatea de origine romana, au fost puse sub acuzare de catre un tribunal din Chicago, Illinois, astazi 14 iulie, 2010.
O parte din ele sunt deja arestate iar altele urmeaza sa se predea, conform unui comunicat oferit in exclusivitate de catre FBI Chicago. Maine acestia vor face disponibil comunicatul de presa si pentru mass media locala americana.

Acestia au fost pusi sub acuzare pentru furt si recuperare ilegala de taxe, intr-un caz in care capul retelei a fost Ovidiu Isac, aka “Ovi”, aka “Uzzy”, arestat acum cateva luni si pus sub acuzare de catre autoritati. Acestia au incercat si colectat, utilizand acte false, in numele a mai multor cetateni romani, taxe federale si ajutoare financiare federale care insumeaza peste 2,3 milioane de dolari, in perioada 2007-2009. Tototada conform actului oficial de acuzare acestia au conspirat impreuna in a musamaliza si ascunde faptele si metodele folosite in savarsirea infractiunilor.
Numele celor pusi sub acuzare sunt:
JOHN POP aka “Nelu,”

Ovidiu Isac impreuna cu BOGDAN BRANISTEANU, JAMES MCKIBBIN aka (cunoscut si sub numele de)”DANI LABA,” JOHN POP aka “Nelu,” VALERIU SOARE, si MARIUS TIMOFTI, precum si Daniel Isac aka “Nati,” George Husti aka “Copilu,” Louis Lupancu, si Stefan Valentin Niculcea aka “Valy” au deschis conturi bancare in zona metropolei Chicago in care au depozitat banii obtinuti fraudulos din returanarea de taxe de la IRS.

ANCA ANDRONACHE, MARIBEL JUAREZ, SIMONA LABA, ANUTA MIHAI, CRISTIAN TALOS, si VIRGINIA POP aka VIRGINIA TALOS, se pare ca erau implicati in conspiratie prin folosirea propriilor conturi bancare in care primeau depozite de bani, din taxe si ajutoare federale. O parte din suma o retineau pentru ei iar restul era data lui Ovidiu ISAC si alte cateva persoane.

In perioada septembrie, 2008 si martie, 2009 JAMES MCKIBBIN aka (cunoscut si sub numele de)”DANI LABA a recrutat cetateni carora le-a deschis conturi bancare in contul carora au fost depozitate prin transfer diferite sume de bani. Ulterior aceste sume au fost retrase si impartite.

Intre iulie si septembrie 2008 Bogdan BRANISTEANU i-a cerut Ancai ANDRONACHE si altor catorva persoane sa retraga diferite sume de bani din conturi folosind cecuri bancare. Sumele primite erau transferuri de la trezoreria nationala primite drept stimulent din partea guvernului.

Intre iulie si septembrie 2008 John Pop a deschis conturi bancare la urmatoarele banci : Banco Popular, Bank of America, Charter One, Citibank, Fifth Third Bank, North Community Bank, TCF Bank, si Washington Mutual. In luna septembrie, 2008, John POP a solicitat datele bancare de la Virginia POP aka Virginia TALOS, Cristian TALOS, si inca un individ a carui identitate nu a fost dezvaluita, pentru a retrage diferite sume de bani din cel putin 16 conturi diferite aflate pe numele lor.

In luna iunie, 2009, Valeriu SOARE, a obtinut de la Anuta MIHAI, datele personale de al contul bancar apoi, a discutat prin telefon cu Ovidiu ISAC, despre eventuale depozite care sa le faca in acest cont.

Pe 3 septembrie, 2008 Marius TIMOFTI a racolat un individ pe numele caruia a deschis doua conturi bancare la TCF Bank si Bank of America, unde intre septembrie 2008 si iunie, 2009 au fost depozitate diferite sume de bani. Pe 22 septembrie, 2008 Timofti a retras din aceste conturi suma de 5,900 de dolari. Actiuni similare de depozitare si apoi retragere de numerar s-a efectuat si din contul lui Maribel Juarez, bani care erau impariti cu Ovidiu Isac. In septembrie, 2009 Timofti il alerteaza pe Isac ca niste detectivi au cerut informatii de la unul din comlici cu privire la depozitele bancare provenite de al guvern. Cu toate astea a continuat sa retraga sume de bani chiar si in martie, 2010.

Pe 25 iunie, 2008 Anca Andronache a deschis doua conturi bancare la TCF Bank si Bank of America unde a primit si apoi retras sume ilegale de bani.
Pe 14 septembrie, 2008 Simona LABA a dat datele personale de cont de la Chase Bank lui JAMES MCKIBBIN aka Dani LABA, apoi dupa ce trezoreria americana a facut depozitul, aceasta a scos banii.

Acelasi lucru il face si Anuta MIHAI care ii ofera datele de cont lui Valeriu SOARE obtinand sume ilegale de bani.
In septembrei 2008 Cristian TALOS, deschide patru conturi la diferite banci, unde primeste diferite sume necuvenite .
Virginia Pop deschide si ea nu mai putin de sase conturi bancare pe care le foloseste in infractiuni similare.

Conform FBI, Marius TIMOFTI a facut declaratii false in timpul interogtoriului de pe 22 aprilie, 2010 cu privire la implicarea sa in acest caz, lucru care in sinea lui este pedepsit de lege.

1. Beginning no later than in or around 2008, and continuing to in or around April 2010, at Chicago, in the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, and elsewhere,
JOHN POP aka “Nelu,”

defendants herein, did conspire and agree with each other and others known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to commit offenses against the United States, namely:
(a) to steal, purloin, and knowingly convert to their own use and the use of another money of the United States, namely, funds administered by the Department of the Treasury in the form of federal tax refunds and economic-stimulus payments, which funds defendants were not entitled to receive, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 641; and
(b) to defraud the United States by impeding, impairing, obstructing and defeating the lawful government functions of the Internal Revenue Service of the Department of Treasury, an agency of the United States, in the ascertainment, computation, assessment and collection of the revenue, namely income taxes, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 371.
2. It was part of the conspiracy that Ovidiu Isac and dozens of co-conspirators collected and attempted to collect money in the form in federal tax refunds and economic-stimulus payments to which they were not entitled, based on false, fictitious, and fraudulent income tax returns.

3. It was further part of the conspiracy that false, fictitious, and fraudulent tax returns were filed with the Internal Revenue Service using the names and social security numbers for Romanian nationals, including Romanian citizens who had traveled to the United States on J-1 visas (the “taxpayers”). The returns included various materially false and fictitious items, including, but not limited to deductions and W-2 wage statements of earnings from employers. As a result of these false and fictitious items, the returns fraudulently claimed federal tax refunds for the taxpayers.
4. It was further part of the conspiracy that the false tax returns directed the IRS to send associated tax refunds and, until October 15, 2008, economic-stimulus payments via direct deposit to bank accounts that were controlled by Ovidiu Isac’s co-conspirators, including many of the defendants.
5. It was further part of the conspiracy that Ovidiu Isac and certain of his co-conspirators, including defendants BOGDAN BRANISTEANU, JAMES MCKIBBIN aka “DANI LABA,” JOHN POP aka “Nelu,” VALERIU SOARE, and MARIUS TIMOFTI, as well as Daniel Isac aka “Nati,” George Husti aka “Copilu,” Louis Lupancu, and Stefan Valentin Niculcea aka “Valy” (the “Recruiters”), found bank accounts, primarily in the Northern District of Illinois, that could be used to receive the fraudulently obtained tax refunds and economic-stimulus payments. Ovidiu Isac and the Recruiters identified people who agreed to open bank accounts, and/or use their existing bank accounts, to receive tax refunds and economic-stimulus payments to which they were not entitled, based on the false, fictitious, and fraudulent tax returns submitted to the IRS (the “Account Holders”).

6. It was further part of the conspiracy that upon being notified by Ovidiu Isac or a Recruiter that a tax refund had been deposited in their accounts, the Account Holders, including defendants ANCA ANDRONACHE, MARIBEL JUAREZ, SIMONA LABA, ANUTA MIHAI, CRISTIAN TALOS, and VIRGINIA POP aka VIRGINIA TALOS, typically kept or received a portion of the money for themselves, and turned over the remainder of the deposited money. Account Holders delivered the fraudulently obtained funds either directly to Ovidiu Isac or his designee; or to their Recruiter, who typically kept a portion of the proceeds for himself and delivered the rest to Ovidiu Isac or his designee.
7. It was further part of the conspiracy that some of the Recruiters also acted as Account Holders, receiving fraudulent tax refunds and economic-stimulus payments into bank accounts that they controlled.
8. It was further part of the conspiracy that the Recruiters and Account Holders collected and attempted to collect over $2.35 million in federal tax refunds and economic-stimulus payments to which they were not entitled, based on over 440 false, fictitious, and fraudulent income tax returns for tax years 2007, 2008, and 2009.
9. It was further part of the conspiracy that defendants misrepresented, concealed, and hid, and caused to be misrepresented, concealed, and hidden, the existence, purpose, and acts done in furtherance of the conspiracy.