rceurope15 7

rceurope15 7Beginning the day with a special continental breakfast, the team geared up and repacked our experiences to set off on yet one more eye-opening adventure on the EuroRail. Having to get up at around 7 in the morning to catch our initial train, we scrambled to finish packing our bags and lugged our bags to the train with a few minutes to spare.

The first, quick train helped connect us in Tatabanya to our second, longer train ride, which lasted for over half the day. The second train-ride originated in Tatabanya, Hungry with the destination of Brasov, Romania and did not arrive until well after 11 p.m.
Upon the hours of seemingly endless travel, opportunities to share both English and our faith with others arose and were accepted rather widely across the rails.  Some people were more willing to listen and hear what we have to say.

Leaving Tatabanya, Hungary in the sunshine and cool brisk air, we departed from the train in Brasov, Romania in the dark as a thin layer of snow slowly fell as we quickly threw our bags into a slightly over crowded van and car, making our way through the countryside that was covered the cold flakes in the night.

Praise the Lord that all connections were made promptly and there were no issues with lost people or luggage. Even a minor setback on the first train with local officials, God remained faithful and, we pray, made Himself known through our interactions with the locals.  Our Sovereign God also provided wonderful arrangements for the team at the Torchbearer conference center here in Romania after a long day of travels at Purtatorii de Faclie. Thank you all for your prayers and support! It is not in vain and to the glory of God it has sustained us.

– Matthew Lawrence

Some Time at Purtătorii de Făclie

This morning we woke up to a nice breakfast with the staff of Purtătorii de Făclie. They were very friendly and we all enjoyed our breakfast of bread, meat, and cheese. The coffee was an excellent bonus before we had a time of worship in both languages, and then had an incredible devotion by Frank Cirone. After we finished the devotion we had about three hours to work outside. The work was very cold and wet, but it felt good to get out and do some manual labor. After that we prepared for our ministry that night. For our ministry, we went to a house where a youth group is held every week. There we worshipped God with the kids, then shared a testimony and had a lesson.

The time we got to spend with the kids today was one of the highlights and we hope to continue in those relationships. Every day God is showing us something new and is always teaching each one of us new things.

– Josh Miller