The world’s most expensive newspapers is a copy of the Romanian newspaper, Zimbrulu and Vulturulu (“Aurochs and the Eagle)”, that was sent to Galati when it was published in November 1858. Because of its weight, the newspaper required no less than eight Cap de Bour (Bull Head) stamps – one of the most rare and appreciated stamp in the world. The priceless newspaper was sold at David Feldman auction house to an art collector Joseph Hackmey for price of over $1.1 million or €829,500 to be exactly. Thus making it one of the most expensive newspaper in the world and the most expensive philatelic objects in the world.

The “Auroch and the Eagle” newspaper was printed in Iasi (Romania) in 1858 and was sent by mail in 1858 and paid with no less than 8 of the priceless Auroch’s head stamps.

World’s Most Expensive Newspaper : $1.1 million (Auroch and the Eagle – “Zimbrulu and Vulturulu”)