Acasă Etichete Also

Etichetă: also

The Curse of the Dark Heart

by Kim Chamberlin and Ionela Tudor Book Review by Rachel GrahamAfter reading this book and researching about the origin of the story, I found...

Discursul presedintelui Barack Obama la primirea premiului Nobel pentru Pace

Remarks of President Barack Obama - As Prepared for Delivery A Just and Lasting Peace, Acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize, Thursday, December...

“Coada” de Dragoş Voicu

Apărut în anul 2009, roman premiat cu premiul pentru debut în proză al editurii Cartea Românească. Este un roman despre viaţa din comunism, văzută...

An American’s Stereotype

I should start by saying that I come from the most American of cities: Detroit. It is here that the American Dream was...

PublishAmerica Presents “Happiness in Our Daily Lives” by Gabriel Gherasim

Frederick, MD April 8, 2009. PublishAmerica is proud to present Happiness in Our Daily Lives by Gabriel Gherasim of Long Island City, New York....

The Evolution of Hospitality (I)

  Not only necessity, but sheer pleasure. Our ancestors, naturally, could not enjoy the blessings of hospitality. Perhaps that is why we...

Romania’s Hurdles on the Road to EU Membership

The European Union (or the EU) was created at the beginning of the 1950s, by six founding members: France, Germany, Italy, Bel­gium, the Netherlands...

A Boy From Two Countries

Can you imagine how it feels to be a citizen of two countries at the same time? My name is Steven C. Davis and...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (XIII)

Finally, in May 1986, I was granted permission to go there. My quick-tempered boss surprised me with the customary bridal shower. Between her and...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (XII)

I was hired with î8/hr. That was great. My direct boss was a bubbly young girl. We went along fine. Her boss was the...