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How I Came to Immigrate to America (II)

You could not find any seafood except perhaps, once in a while, some frozen variety from China or somewhere far. This happened while Romania...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (I)

This is my personal story about the events leading to my immigration to America and what followed. The reason I am writing this is...

Cetă]eni americani de origine romînă

Nadia Comaneci's prodigal performances at the 1976 Olympics still define gymnastics perfection for many, and her achievements continue to bring the Romanian heroine honors....

“The Hooligan’s Return”: A Romanian Expatriate Visits Home

Exiles are always wondering if they might not be better off somewhere else, and Norman Manea (foto), the distinguished Romanian novelist, is no exception....

My School Years in Romania (XVII)

The crazy situation occurred when we had to go to the Hungarian school and teach a class of Hungarian natives a language that we...

Festivalul românesc din Colorado

On July 26 the Romanian-American community in Colorado converged on Boul­der's Pearl Street Mall for the ninth annual Romanian Festival. The bright sun defied...

My School Years in Romania (XV)

In college the pressure was again on us to become members of the Communist Party. As usual, they asked the best students to join...

My School Years in Romania (XIV)

So, I had to find myself a job and jobs for highschool graduates were not too great. Luckily, my mother knew somebody who had...

My School Years in Romania (XIII)

College Shortly after, I applied for the admittance exam to the English department of the University. It was only one college that you applied...

My School Years in Romania (XII)

I was a very good student although I did not study too much. Studying was just something that I had to do, not something...