Acasă Etichete Current

Etichetă: current

ASTROM la ceas aniversar!

Ediţia specială a "Orei Vesele" româneşti, care va avea loc miercuri, 22 iulie între orele 18-21 la barul Current (1215 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington,...

Romania’s Hurdles on the Road to EU Membership

The European Union (or the EU) was created at the beginning of the 1950s, by six founding members: France, Germany, Italy, Bel­gium, the Netherlands...

Lightness of Being with Ileana Barbu

Ileana Bar­bu, Romanian artist who lives in Boul­der, Colorado had an exhibition re­cently called Light­ness of Being. The exhibition featured both watercolors and icons....

Local Romanians watch EU interest

Photos: Lucian Oprea In June, Poland voted to join the European Union. It signed a treaty that would bring it into the Union along...