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The Curse of the Dark Heart

by Kim Chamberlin and Ionela Tudor Book Review by Rachel GrahamAfter reading this book and researching about the origin of the story, I found...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (XIII)

Finally, in May 1986, I was granted permission to go there. My quick-tempered boss surprised me with the customary bridal shower. Between her and...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (XII)

I was hired with î8/hr. That was great. My direct boss was a bubbly young girl. We went along fine. Her boss was the...

The First Romanians in America

The 1990 Census of the United States listed 365,544 individuals who declared themselves of Romanian ancestry. They reside in every state of the union...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (X)

Then I found a position at a larger practice, with several doctors. Actually, there were 4 doctors and I was hired as a 4th...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (IX)

Not being a quitter, I finished my course and got my degree. During that time, we had managed to save (great accomplishment) î800 towards...

May 10th in Romanian History

May 10th has a triple meaning for the long history of the Romanian people. On this day in 1866, Carol Hohenzollern-Siegmaringen came to Romania...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (VI)

We had not told them about our dog. We simply thought that it would not be any problem. When they saw us, they were...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (III)

After going to the Embassy, we went to the local police department to get the "small forms". These were the preliminary forms. There were...

My School Years in Romania (XVIII)

First Job After College That was in a small town about 70 miles away from Bucharest. I was to teach English to both primary...