Etichetă: games
America pe scurt
Conferinţa Femeilor Române din America la AtlantaÎntre 26-28 iunie a acestui an, orasul Atlanta, Statul Georgia, USA va găzdui cea de a doua Conferinţă...
A Boy From Two Countries
Can you imagine how it feels to be a citizen of two countries at the same time? My name is Steven C. Davis and...
Cetă]eni americani de origine romînă
Nadia Comaneci's prodigal performances at the 1976 Olympics still define gymnastics perfection for many, and her achievements continue to bring the Romanian heroine honors....
Romanian gymnasts in US
Contemporary choreographers Daniel Ezralow, David Parsons and Moses Pendleton, in collaboration with Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas, creators of the percussion/theater sensation "Stomp," have...