Etichetă: grade
Furtuna de zapada in capitala Americii. Stare de urgenta in Virginia,...
foto Madalina C. Diaconu In cursul zilei de joi, 4 februarie 2010, National Weather Service (NWS) a publicat o avertizarea meteorologica de...
Ciocolata – un dar al zeilor
Invitaţie la o expoziţie de... CIOCOLATĂ! Zâmbind întreb: „Ne dă ciocolată acolo?" Asta pentru că sunt mare amatoare de acest produs. Accept invitaţia. Expoziţia...
De la Piteşti la New York
„Aş da valoare lucrurilor,dar nu pentru ce valorează,ci pentru ceea ce semnifică ".Gabriel Garcia Marquez Noaptea trecută a plouat. N-am auzit zgomotul picăturilor de...
În cursul nopţii de miercuri spre joi, 28-29 octombrie 2004, a avut loc un cutremur de magnitudine medie simţit în România şi în ţările...
My School Years in Romania (XVII)
The crazy situation occurred when we had to go to the Hungarian school and teach a class of Hungarian natives a language that we...
My School Years in Romania (XIII)
College Shortly after, I applied for the admittance exam to the English department of the University. It was only one college that you applied...
My School Years in Romania (XI)
At one point, during the winter I came to school wearing a very slight pink chapstick. Well, I was turned back from the door...
My School Years in Romania (X)
After switching to the "human" branch, there was no more math for us. Instead, we had Latin. Our teacher was quite young, too, (a...
My School Years in Romania (IX)
Highschool In 8th grade or even sooner, some parents hired private tutors to rehearse their kids into exam taking. There was some exam at...
My School Years in Romania (VIII)
School usually started on or around September 15. We would then break in mid-December for 3 weeks. At that time, while in General School,...