Acasă Etichete Little

Etichetă: little

Festivalul Taste of Romania la Chicago

Pentru ca toamna şi-a făcut deja simtită prezenţa la Chicago, românii din zona au intrat în febra festivalelor de toamnă. Astfel între 29 şi...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (XII)

I was hired with î8/hr. That was great. My direct boss was a bubbly young girl. We went along fine. Her boss was the...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (XI)

During that time, I had continued to work a few evenings a week at the T-shirt store. In addition to going to clean up...

A Little Black Book

Not too long ago, I was sitting in the well-appointed office of my friend, a senior officer of a brokerage firm, with whom I...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (VII)

I also followed the job wanted ads in the newspaper. The same thing happened. Same refusal. Although my English was quite good, some people...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (VI)

We had not told them about our dog. We simply thought that it would not be any problem. When they saw us, they were...

My School Years in Romania (XVIII)

First Job After College That was in a small town about 70 miles away from Bucharest. I was to teach English to both primary...

My School Years in Romania (XI)

At one point, during the winter I came to school wearing a very slight pink chapstick. Well, I was turned back from the door...