Etichetă: military
Protecţia constituţională a monumentelor religioase în SUA
1. Clauza de
stabilire a unei religii
Pe 20 iunie 2019, Curtea Supremă a Statelor Unite a decis,
în cazul The...
Discursul presedintelui Barack Obama la primirea premiului Nobel pentru Pace
Remarks of President Barack Obama - As Prepared for Delivery A Just and Lasting Peace, Acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize, Thursday, December...
Războiul din Iraq văzut de un soldat de origine română
* scurt interviu cu Mihai Pintilie, soldat în armata americană GdeC: Which is the most memorable experience you have had since your departure to...
My School Years in Romania (XV)
In college the pressure was again on us to become members of the Communist Party. As usual, they asked the best students to join...
My School Years in Romania (XIII)
College Shortly after, I applied for the admittance exam to the English department of the University. It was only one college that you applied...