Acasă Etichete Naţional

Etichetă: naţional

De-ale Luminiţei

cum au primit românii ziua de 1 decembrie... Cei 2.000 de agenţi de ordine însărcinaţi cu protecţia preşedintelui şi premierului au reuşit o...

Romania: Someone's Passing the Buck

Romanian media reports that the U.S. Justice Department has apprehended an alleged former Nazi concentration camp guard born in Romania are again raising uncomfortable...

Romania: Someone’s Passing the Buck

Romanian media reports that the U.S. Justice Department has apprehended an alleged former Nazi concentration camp guard born in Romania are again raising uncomfortable...

Romanian gymnasts in US

Contemporary choreographers Daniel Ezralow, David Parsons and Moses Pendleton, in collaboration with Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas, creators of the percussion/theater sensation "Stomp," have...

La fiecare 11 secunde, o persoană moare de SIDA

La nivel mondial trăiesc, în prezent, peste 40 de milioane de persoane bolnave de SIDA, la care se adaugă în fiecare an cinci milioane...

cogito ergo sum

Aşa, una peste alta, sunt un om obişnuit, "un cap de locuitor" vorba nu-ştiu-cărui scriitor. Încă tânăr (27 de ani) încă sărac, încă optimist...

Romanian American Freedom Alliance

RAFA was founded in the summer of 1990 as an immediate result of the revolutionary upheaval in Romania in December 1989. Several dozen Romanians...

Driving through America (I)

The United States of America. The country of freedom, space and the extremes. Deserts and green rolling hills, mega cities and abandoned areas, thunderstorms...