Acasă Etichete Nice

Etichetă: nice

A Boy From Two Countries

Can you imagine how it feels to be a citizen of two countries at the same time? My name is Steven C. Davis and...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (XIII)

Finally, in May 1986, I was granted permission to go there. My quick-tempered boss surprised me with the customary bridal shower. Between her and...

How I Came to Immigrate to America (V)

I mentioned that we didn't have any foreign currency when we had the search in our home. Now that we were stateless, and required...

My School Years in Romania (XV)

In college the pressure was again on us to become members of the Communist Party. As usual, they asked the best students to join...

ntrarea în UE e din ce în ce mai dificilă

50 de ani de existenţă, 4 lărgiri (de la 6 la 15 membri), multiple succese economice şi politice; părinţii fondatori ai UE, Jean Monnet...

Driving through America (I)

The United States of America. The country of freedom, space and the extremes. Deserts and green rolling hills, mega cities and abandoned areas, thunderstorms...