Etichetă: romanian
My School Years in Romania (XVI)
When I got into college, you had to study two languages. English was the primary language (the major) but there had to be another...
The Curse of Count Dracula
Tourists flock to Bran Castle, known locally as "Dracula's castle," though it has little to do with the 15th-century prince Vlad Tepes, who inspired...
My School Years in Romania (XIII)
College Shortly after, I applied for the admittance exam to the English department of the University. It was only one college that you applied...
Romania: “An issue of greed”
Orice specialist în economie politică va spune că una dintre principalele imperfecţiuni ale sistemului de piaţă este corupţia: o serie de indivizi sau firme...
Este primavară din nou în Colorado. Pe plaiurile mioritice, în ţinuturile patriei străbune, viaţa renaşte după o iarnă grea cu mult omăt. Florile primăverii...
Romanian gymnasts in US
Contemporary choreographers Daniel Ezralow, David Parsons and Moses Pendleton, in collaboration with Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas, creators of the percussion/theater sensation "Stomp," have...
Romania: moving forward
Many people argue that Romania, alongside other countries in its region, has changed, since 1989, its political, economical, social organization to an insignificant extent...
My School Years in Romania (VIII)
School usually started on or around September 15. We would then break in mid-December for 3 weeks. At that time, while in General School,...
Romanian American Freedom Alliance
RAFA was founded in the summer of 1990 as an immediate result of the revolutionary upheaval in Romania in December 1989. Several dozen Romanians...