Etichetă: those
The Curse of the Dark Heart
by Kim Chamberlin and Ionela Tudor Book Review by Rachel GrahamAfter reading this book and researching about the origin of the story, I found...
FBI’s warning on Haitian earthquake
The FBI today reminds Internet users who receive appeals to donate money in the aftermath of Tuesday's earthquake in Haiti to apply a critical...
FBI's warning on Haitian earthquake
The FBI today reminds Internet users who receive appeals to donate money in the aftermath of Tuesday's earthquake in Haiti to apply a critical...
Discursul presedintelui Barack Obama la primirea premiului Nobel pentru Pace
Remarks of President Barack Obama - As Prepared for Delivery A Just and Lasting Peace, Acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize, Thursday, December...
I grew up in the 1950s
Some American friends invited us to a "1950's Sock Hop" in the Denver area and tonight we joined them for a trip down memory...
“Coada” de Dragoş Voicu
Apărut în anul 2009, roman premiat cu premiul pentru debut în proză al editurii Cartea Românească. Este un roman despre viaţa din comunism, văzută...
The Curse of Count Dracula
Tourists flock to Bran Castle, known locally as "Dracula's castle," though it has little to do with the 15th-century prince Vlad Tepes, who inspired...
My School Years in Romania (XIV)
So, I had to find myself a job and jobs for highschool graduates were not too great. Luckily, my mother knew somebody who had...
A messenger of peace
Alexandra Nechita opened her third GALLERY M in Denver selling exhibit to a group of over 435 art lovers and collectors. The show continues...
My School Years in Romania (XII)
I was a very good student although I did not study too much. Studying was just something that I had to do, not something...