(ceea nu ar fi trebuit sa se intample s-a intamplat…azi, luni, o data care nu doresc sa o retin, ai plecat: nu voi spune ca ai plecat fiindca a fost vina ta…a fost , cum spunei tu razand, atunci cand iese bine, este meritul tau…cand iese rau…e doar vina mea)
Deci albumul, lansat in octombrie, 1964, a fost un esec comercial si a dus la separarea unui duo muzical, Paul Simon intorcandu-se in Anglia si Art Garfunkel la studiile sale de la Universitatea Columbia. In spring 1965, the song began to attract airplay at radio stations in
Boston, Massachusetts, and throughout
Florida. The growing airplay led
Tom Wilson, the song’s producer, to
remix the track,
overdubbing electric instrumentation with the same musicians who backed
Bob Dylan‘s “
Like a Rolling Stone“. Simon & Garfunkel were not informed of the song’s remix until after its release. The
single was released in September 1965. In primavara anului 1965 cantecul a inceput sa atraga tot mai mult prin difuzarea la statiile de radio din Boston, Massachusetts si in Florida. The song hit No. 1 on the
BillboardHot 100 for the week ending January 1, 1966, leading the duo to reunite and hastily record their second album, which Columbia titled
Sounds of Silence in an attempt to capitalize on the song’s success. Succesul a dus la reunirea celor doi, care au inregistrat in graba al doilea lor album, devenit numarul 1 in Billboard Hot 100 la sfarsitul lunii ianuarie, 1966. The song was a top-ten hit in multiple countries worldwide, among them Australia, Austria, West Germany, Japan and the Netherlands. Generally considered a classic
folk rock song, the song was added to the
National Recording Registry in the
Library of Congress for being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically important” in 2013 along with the rest of the
Sounds of Silence album. Acest cantec a devenit hit in multe tari, in Australia, Austria, Germania de Vest, Japonia si Olanda. Considerat un cantec clasic pentru genul folk, el a fost adaugat in 2013 la Registrul de inregistrari nationale din Biblioteca Congresului fiind “important din punct de vedere cultural, istoric sau estetic” impreuna cu restul albumului
Sounds of Silence (
Sunetele tacerii).
(visez candva ca acest text sa ne reuneasca, sa fim din nou impreuna, sa traim, asa cum ai spus tu undeva /si eu am notat/ …”Fie ca Dumnezeu sa ne dea sansa sa traim la inaltimea vietii care o meritam.” …dar pana atunci ascult SUNETUL TACERII…si iti trimit disperat acest text care poate te va face sa te intorci…)