As someone said, living back then the 1950s was the last age of innocence. Back then families sat together to eat dinner and there was peace and harmony. Kids went to church, said prayer and the National Anthem in school. Mothers stayed home to look after the kids, and fathers went to work. Teens had homework and chores to do and if they disrespected a teacher or an adult neighbor they were grounded or severely punished. Spankings were not unknown punishments for kids. There was zero tolerance for misbehaving. Girls didn’t live with boyfriends and stayed home until they got married. Although curious about sex the boys would keep trying and most of the girls were too terrified they would get pregnant. Back then the birth control wasn’t invented. These girls who slept with boys or got pregnant were ousted from society. Sundays were special because people went to church, mowed the lawn and talk to the neighbors, because everyone knew everyone else back then.  Kids were safe and could walk the streets in the evening without fear of being abducted.

The teen’s source of entertainment was few hours of TV; they were going to movies, they drove the cars around, smoked or drink beer.

Slowly the introduction of the rock and roll music interpreted by artists like Elvis Presley or Jerry Lee Lewis changed the way kids behaved. They became more rebellious as depicted in the movie “Rebel without a cause “.

Why the TV show will show it so different?

The TV will show it slightly different because back then the society was more conservative and they tried to keep teens under control.